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KiKi Has Her Eyes Set On Gold

Former Staff

Updated: Aug 8, 2023

Our Senior Writer Nickie Booshie sits down with KiKi, a 15-year-old wrestler training at the Nightmare Factory. They discuss KiKi’s inspirations and a few dream matches. In addition, KiKi talks about her love of wrestling and the influence of Mercedes Moné.

Getting In The Ring With Jade Cargill

“I actually remember the first night that I got there, I was so nervous but when I stepped into the ring, it was like a different feeling. Because it’s like, it’s not like I’ve ever been in a ring before. Before that, I have been, you know, to a couple of training facilities and I don’t know when I got in, it was just like a different feeling. Everybody there made me feel so comfortable. Because when I got there, I was kind of like a shy, you know, I was kind of, you know, really to myself. But then when I got there, everybody made me feel so welcome. Everybody was so welcoming, I should say. And I just loved it. And the whole experience still doesn’t feel real for me on it. But it is real. And I love that it’s real. Because I love training there. And it’s amazing.”

KiKi’s First Days Of Wrestling

“I got into wrestling when I was about nine or ten-ish, around that time. And I kind of came across it on YouTube and it just kind of – that’s how I really got into it. Like because I saw it on YouTube. And I was like, this was this is really cool. It’s really cool. But I’ve watched it when I was living like little my mom said when I was like a kid, but I don’t really remember for that, but um, you know, I really got into it about around that age, and training has been really good for me. I’m still like, I can’t believe I wrestle at Nightmare Factory like, I’m only 15, and I wrestle at Nightmare Factory like these people that I’ve been seeing on TV for so long are my coaches like QT and Billy.”

Inspirations And Dream Matches

“So of course, Mercedes Mone, in WWE – Sasha Banks. She’s the one that really got me into wrestling, like, what made me want to actually be a wrestler. She’s had a large impact on me and when I met her, it was amazing. She told me that like, never give up. You know, if you keep working for what you want, it’s gonna come to you. I’ve just been taking that along with me during my little journey that I have. It’s really amazing. And then, you know, the people that I work with at Nightmare Factory every week inspire me a lot to just be a better person and be a better wrestler. Because, you know, if you surround yourself around people that you know, are great people, then you’re gonna become a great person.”

Check out the full interview with KiKi available now!


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