NXT UK has ended and will be replaced by NXT Europe in 2023. The remaining NXT UK roster members have been transferred to “Current Superstar”. Jinny was the only member who was moved to the “Alumni” section rather than the “Members” part.
WWE Fashionista debuted at WrestleMania 33 Axxess in 2017 against Toni Storm. In 2018, she competed in the Mae Young Classic and debuted with NXT UK.

WWE nor Jinny have acknowledged her official release, but she has not competed since defeating Amale in November 2021.
Other women of NXT UK who are listed in the “Current Superstar” section are Meiko Satomura, Blair Davenport, Stevie Turner, Isla Dawn, Aoife Valkyrie, and Aleah James. Recently, Satomura and Davenport made an appearance for NXT 2.0.