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An Open Letter To Naomi

Former Staff

Trinity Fatu:

The first of her name. Bringer of the Glow. Inaugural FCW Divas Champion. First African American Smackdown Women’s Champion and 2-time Smackdown women’s champion. 2018 Battle Royal Winner. 2013 Slammy Award Winner. 2018 Most Underrated Superstar of the Year. Total Diva. Tik Tok Queen Dancer. Wife. Mother. Daughter. Naomi… It seems like The Funkadactyls were just a thing, and we couldn’t wait to see what you all had in store for us. Backstage, you’ve earned a reputation for being warm, approachable, and safe. You radiate love, peace, and happiness whenever you’re around. As one of the most athletic women in the locker room, your ability is undeniable. You have been an inspiration to many and a pillar of female empowerment and wrestling representation. Many women from all walks of life can identify with you.

Throughout WWE programming and in your personal life, you have supplied so many memorable moments. Seeing you on television every week is something so many of us look forward to, but what’s happening to you now isn’t ok. Considering your accomplishments, the treatment you’ve received thus far is nothing short of demeaning. Many of us were hurt by Sonya Deville’s actions on Friday night, on a personal note, although it is entertainment. We know that, and this isn’t enough. The opposite of what you deserve is what you’re getting.

We appreciate your perseverance and fortitude in the face of adversity. Thank you for gracefully coping with the criticism and attacks you’ve been subjected to. Thank you for valuing yourself enough to take a break from this whenever you need it. Thank you for providing us with a source of inspiration and hope. Please know that the Naomob is here for all your current and future ventures. Please understand that the Naomob rises every day for you. Regardless of how the writer’s room treats you, we are here for you.

Even with all of this, we will still tune in to Smackdown to see what you have to offer. Finally, you’ll be able to get your hands on Sonya and give her the treatment she truly deserves. We can’t wait to see what you do with the rest of your time as you continue to give of yourself and your abilities. But One thing is for sure: things must change quickly. Naomob will no longer stand by and do nothing while they misuse you. If you take anything away from this, please take this:


Always have and always will!

With gratitude, admiration, and all seriousness,

Meka Billy

If you ride for Naomi like we do, and want to show support, Women’s Wrestling Talk has you covered! Click here to buy our “We Ride For Naomi” merch! Also, to watch the amazing interview with Naomi and our very own TK Trinidad, check it out here!


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